Recommended book for a weekend – Guest Post by Shahzeb Mirza

If you ever wondered how the complex world of investment banking works or better yet how to succeed within the industry, then Geraint Anderson’s Cityboy provides all the answers. A semi factual account of life in the square mile. Anderson provides his readers with a first hand account of working within the financial services industry prior to the 2008 crash. A curios point for many but for those of us who have worked within the square mile, cityboy will either completely infuriate you or have you in fits of hysterics.

Andersons story is however about how a young leftist hippy who stumbles into the realm of investment banking. Seduced by the cities excesses and trapped by the capitalist system of competition, our main character Steve Jones finds himself heading down the path of self-destruction.

Cityboy provides plenty of entertainment, the glamour of a high flying city career along with a healthy dose of sex, drugs and rock n role. There are however some shortcomings, the language can be quite repetitive and the author has a somewhat overly cynical view of the financial industry. The view expressed through the book is one of an all consuming career, this may very well be the case for some, however many city professionals are easily able to move on to less strenuous positions, different industries or early retirement. In this respect the author provides an easy excuse for those including himself who sold their lives to the city due to personal weaknesses rather than the trappings of the city.

Nevertheless Cityboy is a great read and well recommended.

Shahzeb Mirza

CEO and Chief Financial Officer

Mirza Industries